Homemade Chapattis

Well I call them Chapatti, some folks also say rotti. Its an Indian flat bread like a tortilla, and tastes great with any type of curries, or veggies and my daughter loved it!

Ingredients: Chapatti flour (whole wheat) from indian store, salt, water, yogurt, oil.

1. mix some flour, amount depends on how many you want to make, I don't make much as its work he he, add water till you get a nice dough, 1 tablespoon natural yogurt as this makes it softer, salt and little oil.
Put this aside for a couple of hours.
2. knead the dough then roll out into little pancake type shapes
3. heat a pan with a little oil if desired, also works well without, then add the chapatti to the pan (the thinner the better, I use a dosa pan) press spatula down along the edges to try and trap a pocket of air inside to make it puff up. This makes it soft, cook a couple of minutes on each side and set aside.

we ate ours with chicken curry, okra, broccoli and dal

This was our daughters!

Enjoy and remember portion control its very easy to get a lot of these, 2 - 3 is plenty, fill up on the veggies, one of the reasons I steamed broccoli.

Rebecca, oh and not bad for an English girl!!!
