Tip to Enjoy Your Deck/Back Yard!

Plant fruit trees, veggies and herbs, this is my little fig tree and you may remember I have a blueberry bush. I have tomatoes at the front, so you can get fresh ingredients from your own yard! I had a lot of fresh herbs but had some greedy slugs about, so I now keep these in pots on the deck!

Hang some wind chimes, I love the sound they make

Get a swing and sit back and relax, I got this for Jasmine as she liked it so much, when she's a little bigger will get a swing set.
Play in the grass!!
Plant pretty plants and flowers that you can see from your deck, ones with fragrance are great

put out bird feeders so you can enjoy watching the birdies!

Oh and I also have a paddling pool for Jasmine but she didn't have any clothes on the other day so no picture this time!!

Hope you are all having a wonderful summer,


Of to the beach on monday for a few days so will announce the winner of the give away Friday/Saturday Next week
