A British Tradition!: Beans on Toast

Heinz baked beans on toast is huge back home in the UK, often a light snack meal at home or in cafe's and pubs around the country. This was Jasmines first beans on toast and she liked it. The British version of baked beans has no meat or cheese in it I much prefer them, but its all about what you were brought up on LOL

They are high in fiber and taste so good, I got mine in Fresh Market, I have also seen them in World Market so why not give them a try for something different.

Oh and good news for fish lovers a recent study in 15,000 folks over 65 years found that the more fish they ate the lower their risk of dementia!, I have been eating a lot more lately after starting to do the seafood blog he he


Hope you all have a super friday of to the park to walk!
