Weetabix and Blueberry Cake

So the other day I introduced you all to my favourite UK Cereal Weetabix and Louise of http://fed-and-watered.blogspot.com/
a fellow Brit, emailed the recipe for weetabix cake. That one of her co workers gave her after they brought it to the office. It turned out great, better than my last few cake's! the only addition I made was to add blueberries raisins and walnuts

  • 5 oz dried fruit (I used raisins, blueberries and walnuts here)
  • 8oz sugar either white or brown
  • one large egg
  • 8 oz milk
  • 4 oz self raising flour
  • 4 weetabix

  1. mix sugar, milk, fruit and weetabix together and let it stand for one hour (I did this just as Jasmine went for a nap!)
  2. then fold in flour and egg
  3. add to a greased 1lb baking tin
  4. bake in a pre heated oven at 350 degrees for 1 15min (I mowed the yard as it was baking, when it was done Jasmine and I ate it yummy)

Jasmine munching

Jasmines little foamed milk and cake

Cake and Cappuccino heavenly

So give it a try it was so good, and high in fiber, happy Saturday everyone.
