Bratwurst with German Style Potatoes

We had some wonderful Bratwurst in Munich at a beer garden, unfortunately it was raining that day so we weren't in the garden. Der HofbrÀukeller is one of Munich's biggest beer garden restaurants. It is known for traditional Bavarian food and even has a place for kids to play in a supervised area. 

This is a wonderfully easy meal to put together after making it I realized I didn't have any mustard, so asked my sweet neighbor for some. She is of German decent and tried the potatoes and approved of them :-) 


  • 10 small new potatoes
  • salt and pepper to taste - a pinch 
  • one tablespoon of white balsamic vinegar
  • 1/4 cup chopped parsley
  • 1/4 of a red pepper diced 
  • a pinch of mustard seeds, I used black ones as we use them a lot in Indian cooking ;-) 
  • 1/4 red onion diced

  1. boil the potatoes with the skins 
  2. heat a little canola oil and pop the mustard seeds 
  3. add the onion and pepper and saute for 3 minutes
  4. add the potatoes, white balsamic, parsley, salt and pepper 
  5. serve with bratwurst I simply boiled, my neighbor gave me a great tip to boil in 1/2 beer and water and streamed vegetables 

outside the restaurant, they was a cool street art exhibit at the time, with special lions around the city. 

Do you have any German recipes to share? 

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