Oatmeal with Pomegranate and Walnuts

I love oatmeal this time of year something so comforting holding a nice warm bowl on the cool mornings and its so good for you, loaded with soluble fiber to keep cholesterol in check. If a meal was to be called heart heathy this would be one with the potassium in the pomegranate great for lowering blood pressure, the omega 3 in the walnuts for an optimal lipid profile and did I mention the most important part it tastes great. It was my birthday the morning I made this and I thought what the heck lets have oatmeal in a golden tea cup for fun, it felt kind of special. 


Makes a bowl (I filled my teacup and gave some to the kids :-0)
  • 1/2 cup of oatmeal 
  • one cup of  2% milk 
  • one tablespoon of maple syrup 
  • a handful of walnuts
  • a handful of pomegranate 
  • a pinch of brown sugar 

  1. microwave the oatmeal with milk for 2 minutes and stir
  2. then give another 30 sec- one minute, until soft, I use quick oats, steel cut on the stove top are better but this is still ok in my dietitian book :-) 
  3. stir in maple syrup and top with pomegranate and walnuts and brown sugar 

Have a great weekend everyone, and go on use a special bowl, cup or plate don't wait enjoy them today :-) 


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