Cinnamon Rolls with a Story

The internet doesn't really need another Cinnamon Roll recipe, but the story behind them is fun. When my parents were here it was the week leading up to Easter and I decided to try and make hot cross buns, they failed I added hot water and killed the yeast as the dough never rose. But me being me and didn't want to be conquered by some wee yeastie beasties, I tried again I googled recipes and found an easy one for cinnamon rolls by Paula Dean, she knows cakes. This time the dough rose yippee and I stayed up to 11pm to eat one with a hot chocolate fresh out of the oven with my Dad!!

Never give up with baking or with anything in life take a deep breath and try again. Over the last few years I have tried many entrepreneurial ventures and my long time reader friends have watched. I developed two iphone apps, which never really made much money. I have written company blogs and managed social media for companies. I have coached on social media and also written a couple of e books. No regrets on any of these I think its fun to try loads of things. I have also given professional presentations on social media and more recently on how to effectively counsel folks from other countries to registered dietitians. I have always been passionate about food and culture and embracing other cultures a so called friend upset me once saying thats just your thing not everyone wants to hear it. But guess what? folks do want to hear what little Rebecca has to say and they find the talks helpful. Folks keep trying, have fun and you will indeed find your niche. I will say the most important job I have is being a Mum to my wee ones though and being on their loved lists is far more important to me than getting on great food blogging lists :-) 

me speaking to a crowded room of dietitians learning about food and culture I had props of funny cooking utensils and foods from around the world to guess :-) 

Just after talking

me and the amazing Amber @RDAmber her site is great to Healthy Under Pressure, great tips for eating well to lower blood pressure, a personal journey for her. She arranged the conference with help but honestly did most of it impressive it had 500 dietitians from 4 states attend, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and Iowa. She is a friend and a person you would be happy to know love her. 

Folks don't listen to the naysayers you have something unique and wonderful to share with the world :-)

What is your dream and passion do share:-)


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