South African Bunny Chow

There was a fun article on the BBC site about bunny chow recently and I knew I had to make it. Its a South African dish from Durban's Indian community, it features a loaf of bread often white the middle is scooped out and it is filled with lamb curry with the end of the bread serving as a lid.

 It is said that the use of bread to transport the bread was a fast and easy lunch for folks working on the plantations or a way to serve folks during apartheid through back windows either way a great dish was born and the community put their stamp on the culinary world. 

 It remains a popular street food in Durban and throughout South Africa also in the UK, it is also served in South African restaurants in New York City. So next time you make a curry why not serve the leftovers in a small loaf of bread for a fun lunch as we did. 

South Indian style Lamb curry but really I feel any curry including vegetarian would work well :-) get creative with your Bunny Chow 

  • 3 lamb shanks or chops - chopped
  • one red onion chopped
  • 3 green chilis
  • ginger/garlic paste one teaspoon
  • masala powder about 1 tablespoons or to taste
  • whole masala with cloves, cumin seeds, pepper corn etc (unground)
  • salt to taste
  • chili powder to taste
  • coriander powder one teaspoon
  • 2 small tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup frozen grated coconut
  • one small bunch of spinach 
  • 1/4 cup water
  • a couple of chopped potatoes 1/2 boiled

Step one:

The paste

heat a little oil and fry 2 green chili’s 1/2 of the onion, curry leaves, ginger/garlic paste and whole garam masala- add coriander seeds, cumin seeds, cardamon, bay leaves, till golden brown
near the end add grated coconut
grind and set aside for later

Step 2:

The Curry

  1. fry the rest of the onion with ginger/garlic paste, salt, chili powder coriander powder and masala powder add the lamb and fry till a little cooked with tomatoes
  2. pressure cook if desired for one whistle will make it tender
  3. then slowly add the spinach little by little letting it reduce down, then add the potato 
  4. add the paste from step one and allow it to simmer for 30 minutes, add water to thin a little if needed
  5. add to a loaf of bread and dig in the bread will be delicious to eat as the juices of the curry soak in 

I had a fun rainy walk this morning and caught a nice clip of a Heron - if your on vine let me know will be sure to follow, I really enjoy this app and community have meet some lovely folks. I was touched after posting a tomato soup when a lady tagged me that she made one then a guy in Finland shared his favorite whole grain cereal and another guy in Copenhagen made his first risotto after seeing mine. A sweet lady in Copenhagen will guest post here soon and share a traditional Danish cookie :-) I am always on the look out for wonderful folks to share with you. 

Have a wonderful weekend


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