Rebecca's Guide to Pinterest

I did a screen shot tutorial demonstrating how to use pinterest and thought you would find it helpful.  I am enjoying my travel boards, and using it as a way to collect recipes. It is becoming a good source of traffic and I find it fun, I even do pinterest for a client. 

On twitter today there was a discussion around it and copywright issues here's a great post explaining it and the blog writer has decided to delete her account and so have others. Bloggers can have content and pictures stolen with or without pinerest unfortunately. Here's a good article on how to protect your content and if you want you can add code to your site to stop folks pinning it. I think there's a fine balance between sharing cool things more and the risk of bad folks stealing. The more eye's see it I guess by the laws of probability it may increase risk, but only you can decide if the fun factor and sharing items will outweigh it?

I personally don't repin much unless I know the source, I mostly use the pin it bookmarket and collect interesting articles on the web for my travel board on places I would like to visit, social media and entrepreneurial articles, gardening as I am starting a small garden this year and need tips and resources, the Tuesday Food Market board and of course recipes. 

I personally will continue to use this fun site as I can save articles and resources in a virtual space and at this time I don't have anything else that does this.

What are your thoughts?

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